
The Myth Of The Women Just Met A Girl Named Maria Summary

Decent Essays

The essay by Judith Ortiz Cofer, “The Myth of the Women/ Just Met a Girl Named Maria” is a powerful piece. She talks of the culture of being Puerto Rican living in New Jersey while she was growing up. She uses multiple examples of how her culture seemed to follow her throughout her life. She also shows the downsides of being a latina and how she overcame these struggles. One method she uses in order to show her audience the struggle that her and other latina girls could go through in there lives, is appeal to ethos. She shows her credibility with all of the knowledge and personal examples to prove that she went through all of the problems she is talking of. This allows the audience to fully believe the author. She also gains the audience’s respects on two separate occasions in the piece. A man is trying to impress his girl, by singing a Hispanic song, but the words that he is actually saying, translated into english, are very offensive. She handles the situation very professionally and calmly. The author mentions, “ My friend complimented me on my cool on handling the situation.” Another instance where respect by the audience is gained is in the second to last paragraph when she states, “ Yet I am one of the lucky ones.” She says this because she had the opportunity to receive …show more content…

She was taken to her first formal dance by a non latino boy. When her gave her a kiss that compelled a lot of passion and slobber, and the same was not given back the boys was disappointed and angry. He figured that ‘“Latin girls were supposed to mature early.”’ This hurt Cofer in the thought that because she was latina she should not grow up like any other girl. Instead, she was, “thought of as a fruit or vegetable-I was supposed to ripen.” This is very touching because because she was Latina, she was not seen as a regular

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