
The Negative Impact On Pacifism By Michael Kelly

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Pacifism can be defined as people who believe in resolving conflicts without the use of violence. Many folks believe that pacifism is a moral ideal and many oppose of pacifism. Despite, that many people hold that pacifism is righteous, the truth is that pacifism is immoral and it is affecting and harming our society. Michael Kelly, the author of “The Negative Impact on Pacifism” believes that “pacifism is, inescapably and profoundly, immoral… pacifism is on the side if the murderers, and it is on the side of letting them murder again.” Kelly observes that without action within a time where an attack has occurred more people are going to be injured or killed. This prompts the idea that pacifism is immoral and that we need people to become more than pacifists. Using non-violence in a time where violence appears, being a pacifist is unethical. I have personally been taught to use a firearm and I am glad that I have been taught the skills I need. Although, I will never use the weapon in self-defense, I’m able to defend myself when a deadly conflict happens. This proves that when being a pacifist, nonviolence is not going to solve all issues that arises. Ultimately, when an nation has an attack, being a pacifists is not moralistic and solving …show more content…

Michael Kelly mentions in his article that “pacifists see themselves… on the side of higher morality” and believe that they are on the right side of society. With Michael Kelly’s statement, many pacifist argue that they are moral in the eyes of society and do not need violence. Moreover, he adds that pacifists argue that “violence only begets more violence.” This proves a point that in certain times violence is not the key. Yet, when an deadly attack is being occurred answering it without violence will not solve the overarching issue of being attack. Thus, being a pacifist in certain situations where violence does not present itself is a righteous

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