
The New Deal By Thomas Kessner Analysis

Decent Essays

The article The New Deal, by Thomas Kessner, outlines Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s pre presidency, but more importantly, the policy he used in an attempt to bring America back to its pre Great Depression economic greatness. In order to do so, Roosevelt expanded federal authority over American citizens. He implemented a progressive income tax as well as created numerous federal work projects, aimed at increasing employment, as well as use federal money to help the economy. One example the author uses to prove this point of the large amount of projects is the Tennessee Valley Authority initiative, which spanned across seven states. The projects worked towards economic development and conservation. This projects protected endangered forests, built dams, and brought electricity and running water to the people. Roosevelt felt that capitalism …show more content…

When Roosevelt was elected for president, there wasn't a clear plan in mind. Without effective government implementation of the reforms, the people themselves carried them out. Bankers decided which banks could be reopened and farmers helped to implement the crop control program. Although the plan may not have worked during the Great Depression, the effects afterwards changed society. Government spending eventually helped to create new jobs and set the stage for stronger democratic institutions which could survive future economic crises (Social Security and Wagner Act). The author of the article The Hundred Days and Beyond: What Did the New Deal Accomplish? put more emotion and personal beliefs into his writings. Since his article is more critical of the New Deal and government leadership during the Great Depression, his use of emotion works in this case. Although his beliefs are not outwardly stated, due to the nature of his opinion (more critical) this method works. As a reader reads his article, they can feel the emotion coming thought the

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