
The New Deal: DBQ

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In 1929, the United States Stock Market crashed, heralding the tumble into world-wide depression. President Hoover tried to pacify the people by telling them it was temporary and would pass over. But a new figure rose out of the people, promising he would do anything and everything he could to restore their lives. In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to the presidency, and his new policies would soon sweep over the country. Roosevelt's responses to the problems of the Great Depression were successful in strengthening the power of the federal government and instilling hope in the public, yet were unsuccessful in that they did not help him achieve his intended goal: the restoration of the economy. His responses were, however, …show more content…

Groups such as the NAACP were making progress in speaking to the government. Consequently, the African-Americans believed in Roosevelt; he gave them hope for the future. Women also were largely excluded from the New Deal, which greatly annoyed Roosevelt's wife, Eleanor. He did not, however, try to actively stop women in their strides forward. He allowed his wife to take many tours around the country, rallying people for the New Deal, especially for programs such as the CCC. Eleanor was

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