
The Nfl : League Of Denial

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The NFL: League of Denial, written by Mark and Steve Fainaru is one of the first books to publicly question the NFL’s concussion protocol. The book was originally produced as a documentary on PBS, which aired in 2010. The two authors, Mark and Steve Fainaru are ESPN reporters, and brothers. Steve Fainaru formerly worked as a war reporter in Iraq, while Mark Fainaru primarily focused on sports journalism. In an interview with the Chicago Tribune, Mark Fairnaru describes the book as documenting "pretty extensively two decades worth of denial by the league to basically bury the concussion issue as anything serious for the sport" (Chicago Tribune). The two authors became interested in the concussion crisis in the NFL after reading the research of Dr. Bennet Omalu. Dr. Bennet Omalu is a Nigerian, now American Medical Doctor, Forensic Pathologist, Professor, Medical Examiner, but most importantly, the discoverer of the connection between the brain disease, CTE and sports-related concussions. The book focuses on Dr. Omalu, and the case of former NFL player, Mike Webster, and his football related injuries, which later led to his death. In 2002, Mike Webster, a legendary football player, suddenly died at the age of 50. After examining his body, Dr. Bennet Omalu became curious as to what exactly was the cause of Webster’s death. Being a neuropathologist, Dr. Omalu knew Webster’s death was related to his brain. Omalu took samples of Webster’s brain and studied it over

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