
The North Dakota Access Pipeline Analysis

Decent Essays

“Standing Rock is part of an ongoing struggle against colonial violence.” The nonndigenous culture tends to think of Native Americans from a purely historical perspective because of their struggle for their rights and land ownership. As we know from our history books, dominant white society diminished Native Americans to the margins and continues to take their possessions out of their wants. The North Dakota Dakota Access Pipeline article by Ifeoma Oluo, an author of the Guardian, mentions that Native Americans fighting the battle for justice in a government stacked against them, as well as, mentioning African-Americans are in the same battle to withstand any more disrespect and brutally from the white dominance. Published on September 2016, …show more content…

Oil companies failed to recognize that there is already a community living at the Standing Rock reservation, who are dependent on its water and land to survive. They were only interested in the future outcomes the pipeline will bring to the local community. Oluo felt reporting about the Standing Rock protesting to Americans will encourage support whenever in America and to donate whatever they can to help Native Americans to fight for their home. The author is speaking to America as a whole to understand the recent protests and its effects on minorities. She believes all citizens of America should be aware of such events occurring in their community and to stand in solidarity to help the unheard to seek justice and have freedom. But, Oluo also emphasized the struggles minorities has endured in America by referring back to known history such as mentioning the Civil Rights Movement and the first colonization in Americans by Europeans. In this case, the real message was to enlighten America to rethink their attitudes toward minorities, to look at such things as wrong and to stand in solidarity for those voices are silent. However, it seems as if she is speaking to the dominant white society and proving to them that Native Americans will fight for their rights …show more content…

Even it if seems that they have it Native Americans and Black Americans are minorities that Dr subdued by the white minority's based on the complexion of their skin. Throughout the Guardian Article, Oluo emphasized the importance of the Standing Rock protesting to Native America as a way to tell America, specifically the white society, that this is the last time indigent people's will do nothing. Oluo includes anecdotes to further explain how the DAPL will affect not only the Standing Rock Native tribe but to the whole country. Her focal points are that the dominant white society has taken others’ possessions based on their wants. Native people will take a stand in solidarity to never allow DAPL in their land, and that not only Native Americans are fighting this battle. In past history, African Americans endured harassment and prejudice from the years of slavery to the Civil Rights Movement. Their goal is to find freedom in their homes and acceptance by others. The author did speak about African Americans and its relevance in the Black Lives matter protests, but did not go in depth as much to tell the background and overview for the audience to be aware of the movement. Oluo may have assumed already that everyone knows about the movement and its rising population. Another thing Oluo should have done is to add a reference from a high authority or a

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