
The Nuclear Family

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The idea of the nuclear family was highly valued in the American culture during the 1950s, where romantic love was the central reason for marriage in America; however, love in modern America is not enough to make a marriage last. Likewise, the 1950s was the time for many American marriages to undergo many socioeconomic changes including the rise of the gender minority in the workplace. Due to these developments, marriage is under enormous socioeconomic pressures have given the rise to family structures such as those headed by single parents, multigenerational families and gender roles. The 1950s nuclear family was defined as a heterosexual married couple with children. In addition, social expectations were attached to this idea which was the predictable gender roles of male breadwinner and a female homemaker. The 1950s definition of a nuclear family has for long been engraved as an ideology in America society, but we have failed to see that the contemporary America has experienced dissolution of the 1950s nuclear family. The gradual dissolution of the 1950s nuclear family has had both positive and negative social effects. However, the problem of the 1950s ideology of a family is no longer functional or representative of the contemporary American society.
In order to address the negative effects and strive for more positive outcomes, contemporary American must attempt to understand that family structure are in continuous change, that there is not one ideal way to define

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