
The Outbreak Of The Measles

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An outbreak of the measles in the United States has sparked controversy in the autism world today. Contrary to previous theories, the measles vaccination is not a leading component to the cause of this disease. One in sixty-eight children in the United States are entering this world with Autistic Spectrum Disorder today, a thirty percent increase from the one in eighty eight percent two years ago. This disease is unquestionably one of the worst and most confusing disabilities out there. So, despite all of the exquisitely diverse theories, even to this day we have not fully revealed the precise cause of autism. (Autism Spectrum) Eugen Blueler, a psychiatrist, was the first to introduce the name "Autism" but he diagnosed this disease to a schizophrenic adult. Leo Kanner distinguished the two later in order to clarify the understanding of the disability. (Forty-six) Autistic Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, is a brain disorder that mutates the ability to produce healthy and energetic brain cells. This is sometimes referred to as mitochondrial disfunction in autism and causes an autistic child to excel in cognitive tactics but to struggle with the simple skills of communication. This fact is easily proven because in most cases, and autistic child is also an extremely genius human being. Autistic children don 't like to be touched, loud noises, or changes in their daily routine. (Autism-Topic) They also have trouble making eye contact, forming relationships, answering to their

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