
The Pay Gap Analysis

Decent Essays

Gender inequality is a battle that is still being fought today. There is need to change the way women are treated in work, at school, and across the world. When women realize - that intentionally or not - they are being treated unfairly, their confidence diminishes. Today’s society is in need of some major changes towards equal treatment. Prison is not a place you would think of where women struggle to earn equality and be treated fairly, but in fact there are many problems that need to be brought into the spotlight.Women typically are in jail because they were involved with the person not the crime, those who are recognized as innocent are few and far between, and while in prison, there is no guarantee that women will receive the mental …show more content…

For women, “..nationally:wages were 81.1 percent of men in 2015 v.s. 82.5 percent in 2014” (Lanser). Not only is the amount of earnings smaller for females, but that gap itself never ceases to exist and has grown wider. Also according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor , “Women’s median weekly earning in the state of California running 15 percent below a similar benchmark for the male workers” (Lanser). One might think 15 percent is not too bad, but how about when that amounts to a “ $7,000 annual shortfall?” (Lanser). $7,000 can do a lot for a person, and unfortunately this gap of income has yet to be focused on. Even worse, the minority women, such as those who hispanic are paid even less than a caucasian women. The average “african American women earned 64 cents” and for Latina women, they earn about “56 cents for every dollar earned by a caucasian man”(MAKERS). There is no denying theses statistics; even minority women know the challenge of unequal pay. Now, even as important faces in today's culture such as Jennifer Lawrence and Hillary Clinton are calling out the gap, it becomes crucial to acknowledge and mend the

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