
The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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In recent discussion of abortions, a controversial issue has been whether the government should be able to have control over whether women can terminate their pregnancies or not. On one hand of the argument, some people believe that it's not the government's place to regulate women's right to abort their child, or to not. From one perspective, it is believed that women should have the right to do what they please with their bodies and that the choice is theirs (pro-choice). However, there are also people who think that abortions should be made illegal and that if you make a child you should not be able to abort it just because you can (pro-life). The government thinks that by outlawing abortions that it will get rid of them all together and they won't have anything to worry about. When in all actuality this will be the cause of more issues to come. Whether you believe in the 1973 decision of the Roe v. Wade ruling or not this is certainly going to be an ongoing debate for many years to come with two very strong and opinionated sides.
There are people who believe that outlawing abortions is the right thing to do. But there are also people who believe that taking away the right to abort is also taking away Human Rights and dangerous to those who will still seek abortions after they are banned. In the words of one of these views main supporters, “Outlawing abortion doesn't make it go away, it only makes it dangerous” (Kierra Johnson). According to this statement, making it

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