
The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

Decent Essays

Since Roe v. Wade in 1973 the Nation has been divided into two schools of thought. Both sides have convincing arguments that are heard all around. The Pro-Life group believes that abortion is ultimately murder. Even if that human is not born you are killing the potential of a living homo sapien. The Pro-Choice group on the other hand looks at this not as murder but an infringement of our constitutional rights and that we are empowering women to make this a decision about their body and not to be obstructed by the government’s views.(Abortion Maureen Shaw is a feminist, writer, and a mother. She has wrote many articles for websites including, Quartz, The Atlantic, Huffington Post, and many others. Maureen Shaw a writer on social issues has wrote an article on how becoming a mother has “made her even more Pro-Choice.” on the website Rewire. This article describes how the conservatives in the United States and those of conventional thinking have a clouded view on why women have abortions and why they are getting abortions. Shaw’s journey into motherhood has strengthened her view on abortion and on the right-wing political ideologies to judge her motivations.
Maureen Shaw like many others believe that most people don’t really know what it’s like to be a mother until you are in “the thick of it.” Raising a child is something that you should be ready for. According to Shaw, You should be able to bypass this responsibility until you are ready for it. It is also not

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