
The Pros And Cons Of Gentrification

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Imagine living in a neighborhood with all of your friends, family, and a new strip mall that opened down the street. Your parents are concerned but you don’t see the problem. They know that a new strip mall means new shoppers. These new shoppers are going to want to move closer to that new strip mall, and once they do, everything changes. The more middle class people move in, the higher the property value, the higher the property value, the higher the rent and mortgages are. Eventually you have to move away from everybody into a neighborhood with worse schools and a poorer economy because your parents can’t afford to be there anymore. This type of story happens everyday to low income families, the process is called gentrification. Gentrification is not a good practice, since it moves groups of people out of their homes and neighborhoods. The people who are getting moved out are low income families that can only afford so much. This fact makes it harder for them to compete with the rise in rent and mortgages. A study done in Pennsylvania finds that, “...this is a hugely important contribution- that gentrification ultimately hits hardest at the least advantaged and most economically vulnerable.” Gentrification occurs where people are less likely to stay in their homes after the values of the land and property increase. Allowing more businesses to pop up and crowding more people around until older residents move out and substantial ones move in. The more substantial

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