
The Pros And Cons Of Nonviolent Resistance

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No inherent difference. Reinhold Niebuhr’s objections of nonviolent resistance was incoherent. Niebuhr put forth the belief that there is no inherent moral difference between violent, and nonviolent forms of resistance, but rather that it was a matter of degree or effectiveness. King points out that Niebuhr’s objection is distorted as there is a vast difference between nonresistance and nonviolent resistance. Nonviolence is not having blind faith in something greater, but rather the planned and deliberate actions carried out which can be both mentally and physically exhausting. There is a lot that goes into nonviolent resistance, and you must be willing to receive violence and mistreatment while knowing you will not reciprocate such behaviour …show more content…

Is it realistic pacifism worth the work? Yes, as discussed throughout this paper, not only does it ensure that it is not perpetuating the same violence it wishes to end, but that it contributes to lasting change. This is comparable Niebuhr’s objection that it is irresponsible to not only believe in, but to encourage the use of nonviolent methods as a means of addressing inequality as there is no basis that it will work. This too is proved to be untrue through the principles involved with these methods. It is not for the cowards, and one must be aware of the extreme amount of perseverance, and dedication involved within it to be successful. I personally find something oddly compelling about how it is encouraged to not internalize any hate, which is something that I think we should do more often as no one should bring up low enough to hate …show more content…

Through the reason he chose the route of nonresistance, to the objections King has faced, there is a legacy left behind of what it truly means to be a part of these methods. These principles can be applied to the life of the typical person, and elevate the lives of those around them as it creates an open, and blame free environment for both parties to thrive. King will forever be an advocate, an inspiration, and an example of the dedication necessary for

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