
The Pros And Cons Of Senator John Mccain

Decent Essays

The 2016 Presidential election has got to be the most aggressive yet entertaining election of all time. Who would have ever thought that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would be the two candidates running for President? This election has got everyone, everywhere riled up over who will win the campaign. Citizens of the United States could argue that neither one of the candidates running, is fit to be Commander and Chief. It has come to the point in this election where citizens are not engaging in voting for President, because of the candidates running. Due to the lack of participates voting, I believe that Senator John McCain would better qualify as President because he is a diplomat, he has a strong military background, he’s had years of experience and is a …show more content…

He started at the Naval Academy and eventually worked his way up to the point where he became the United States Senator of Arizona. Although McCain did not win the Presidency in 2008, he was exposed to more of the political world, he become an exceptional Senator and he’s successfully handled international relations. McCain is a well versed and strong political leader who was had many accomplishments. He was even held hostage and tortured for about six years and never spoke a word about U.S. information. John McCain is a well respected war hero and would do a great job as Commander and Chief. John McCain has had a long and outstanding career in the political world and has all the qualifications it takes to be the President of the United States. Though some people would argue that he’s not fit for the job because of his age and health. Because of the lack of participants voting in this years election, due to the candidate running, I believe Senator John McCain would be an exceptional President due to his political experience, military background, his diplomatic services and because he is a well respected war

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