
The Pros And Cons Of Telehealth

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Technology is a constantly changing and evolving field. Those changes can be used to make the lives of people easier in every single way. With the creation of computers and the internet we have been applying technological changes in the health care world for years now. Patients can access their records with a few swipes at their keyboard and share records with other providers. In addition, providers can share reports with each other just as easily. The use of the electronic medical record and patient portals are just a few ways that technology has been applied in health care and with more technological advances we are creating many ways to access health care that were not possible before.
One technological advancement that …show more content…

There is an increase in the information that health care providers have available at the bedside. A quick search on PUBMED or UPTODATE gives access to the most recent articles and journals and that information can be applied to a patient’s treatment. The second way, is an increase in communication between health care professionals. Before communication would be carried out through mail but now email is being used for this. Sharing of information is easily and quickly done allowing for better patient outcomes. The third way, is the availability of information for patients and the general population. Patients have access to information to understand their disease and make decisions in their treatment and the general public has information on the prevention of diseases and on health promotion (Hjelm, 2005) …show more content…

A study done by Liu et al. (2007) found that while the same number of questions were asked during a face to face consultation and a telehealth consultation, there were less empathy, praise and facilitation utterances during telehealth consultations then during a face to face consultation. In addition Liu et al. (2007) also found that more time was spent with the patient during a telehealth consultation than during a face to face consultation. While more time spent with the patient during a telehealth consultation can be benefit, it can also be a con because of the cost of the provider’s time.
One of the biggest cons of telehealth is the inability to perform the whole physical exam through a video consultation (Hjelm,2005). It is easy to miss something on the physical exam when you are not physically examining the patient. Hjelm (2005), points out that the physical exam is extremely important in certain medical conditions and in certain physical examination methods such as palpations. If the provider, however partners with someone who is doing the physical exam then they must trust the other person’s examination and that brings about another level of trust and

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