
The Role Of Racism In America Today

Decent Essays

There is not one key factor that has caused racism in America today, it is due to a long and complicated history of the oppression of the black community. The racist ideologies in our nation has lead to a dominant white culture, white privilege and increased violence in the black community. This is seen through Baltimore, Ferguson, Chicago and in other cities across the United States. [THESIS]
Throughout history African Americans have always been labeled as second class citizens and the inferior race. White people have been labeled as the dominant race going as far back as British Imperialism and the ideology that pale skin is desireable. This has been a thought even before slavery and the Jim Crow south. Our nation has built up assumptions of the black community that have been present since segregation. Our culture has tried to sell the idea that since we have abolished all political aspects of oppression, systematic racism doesn’t exist anymore, but that is a farce.Even after segregation we still have the implicit bias towards the black community. Racism is taught through generations which is one reason why it is prevalent today. It is also taught though the portrayal of black people in mass media. Blackface has been a problem in media and social culture since the post Civil War era. White actors have been shown on screen with …show more content…

A major assumption that we have towards Africans Americans is that they are uneducated. We believe that they are lazy and live on welfare. When really they work so hard to achieve just a normal status that a white person holds. Social privilege is a key factor in the assumption that african americans are uneducated. We just believe they are not as smart as white people. It is just stigma that arises. The police were bias towards Michael Brown because he was black. They wouldn't of have reacted the same way if he was white. Also, many people believe that if you are african american you live in the ghetto. Which is not at all the

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