
The Salem Witch Trials And The Salem Witch Trials

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Just as the seemingly infinite, devastating succession of the explosive, malevolent international conflicts of which defined the era of World War II drew to a conclusion, territorial borders became redefined, while communities which were once called home for many, had been reduced only to magnificent ruin. While the baby-boomer revolution had presented itself with the addition of many newborn young citizens across the world, the technological and political advancement of nations wrestling together in an ominous presentation of post-war tension, rapidly developed the perception of a horrifying capacity for societal change, an evolution not well adopted by many. From the onset of the Cold War to the “fears of creeping communism” (Miller 1) injected into a society paranoid by the tyrannical cultural adoptions of external nations, the threat of political progression and modification has induced a plaguing hysteria among opponents of the frightening creed. Likewise, the Salem Witch Trials, conducted in the shadows of flawed morality within an alienated theocratic culture, led to the justification of twenty deaths, corroborated by spectral suspicions initiated by little girls which quickly proceeded into the throne of power as the paranoid accusations of witchcraft began to haunt a rapidly evolving community. The coordinated evolution of the young girls into a state of alienated dysfunction, perceived as spasms, seizures, and other “epileptic fits”, and rendered as sinned

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