
The Scarlet Ibis By James Hurst: Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Mahatma Gandhi,a famous boxer, once said, “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” Just because one person does something wrong or lacks morals, does not means the whole human race is bad. Sometimes as humans, people make wrong choices, which does not make them horrible, just human. The same way humans can make choices, they also have the ability to experience loss, emotions, relationships, survival, and morality. These traits are what separate humans from other living organisms. These are traits that all humans share, hence the name “shared humanity”. This can be seen in everyday life and in literature and films, such as, The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst, …show more content…

The narrator had been showing his disabled brother, Doodle, how to walk for quite a while. They would go out and practice everyday, some days would be successful, while others would not go so well. On this particular day they had went on a boat and it had begun to storm and out of anger, knowing that Doodle was not yet ready to run, he began running. Doodle chased after him until he couldn’t anymore. The narrator ran and ran until he ran out of breath and stopped and decided to be wait for Doodle, who never showed. He eventually went back and found him dead under a bush. He then states, “I lay there crying, sheltering my fallen ibis from the hershey of the rain” (Hurst). The author is showing loss and choice. The narrator experiences loss when his brother Doodle, dies. Like any other human after losing a loved one, the narrator is distraught and …show more content…

Every year a competition is held where one girl and one boy, ages 12-18, from each District is chosen for a game of survival. The last tribute alive, wins riches and lots of food. These games are called The Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeen is from the poorest District, 12. She shows survival every single day of her life. Everyday she hunts, illegally, to supply for her family because her father died when she was young. Going into the games was no different. During a conversation with Peeta he says, “You know what my mother said? She said ‘District 12 might finally have a winner,’ but she wasn't talking about me. She was talking about you.” Because everybody knew how good she was at surviving, District 12 got a little bit of faith. He is saying that even his mom believed more in her than in him, because she had experience in survival and he, as a baker’s son, did not. This shows the audience that despite hardships and losses a human has the ability to overcome and do whatever it takes to survive. Katniss shows a strong relationship with her sister. After Prim, her sister, is drawn for the games she volunteers and goes into the games to protect her sister. Throughout the movie any decision that Katniss makes, is made with the thought of Prim. During an interview with Caesar Flickerman, he

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