
The Sec 's Influence On Auditing A Private Company And The Essential Activities Involved

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Smackey Dog Inc. Project
ACCT555: External Auditing
Doctor Khaled
By Lisa Cimmino Introduction The purpose of this paper is to discuss the SEC’s influence on auditing a private company and the essential activities involved in the initial planning of an audit. Next the discussion will delve into four stages of the audit and tasks performed by the auditors as well as internal control findings and various aspects of the audit.
SEC influence on auditing private companies Smackey Dog Foods, Inc. is a privately held corporation and not required to follow guidelines set forth by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Keller CPA’s follow American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) guidelines for private or public companies. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) governs audits for privately held companies. Smackey Dog’s bank is requesting audited financial statements to meet loan requirements and Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP). It is in Smackey Dog’s best interest, despite the fact that they are private, to obtain audited financials as referenced next “private companies that wish to obtain equity capital infusions beyond a closely held base must forego this option, because outside investors are unlikely to invest without the level of assurance that an audit brings” (O’Hara, Paragraph 10).
Essential activities involved in the initial planning of an audit
Study Smackey Dog’s industry and business by completing

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