
The Seven Habits Profile

Decent Essays

After conducting a leadership evaluation on the Seven Habits Profile. The Seven Habits profile is created by Stephen Covey in 1989.The purpose of the seven habits is to show how to live with fairness, honesty, and integrity. The seven habits describe a way of thinking, living, and doing what is consistent with these principles. These principles will help adapt with daily life and changes. My results showed that my highest rated categories are been proactive, begin with the end in mind, think win-win, and seek first to understand, synergize, and sharpen the saw, emotional bank account. These categories were rated outstanding. My lowest results were life balance and first thing first these results were consider very good on the seven habits …show more content…

I sometime find it hard to approach teammates because every teammate is not the same and I have to use the right choice of words to explain situations. It is important for teammates to understand that I’m here to help them grow and develop to the next position. Secondly, I feel like I give teammates to many answers to questions rather than letting them figure it out for themselves. For me it is easy to answer questions or do things base off my experience, but it hinders teammates from learning. Thirdly, I over work myself to the point I am overwhelmed and become burnout. Sometimes I need to slow down and observe situations and my surroundings. Because it can become very stressful. Participative leadership works when you have other teammates involve and working together, but this leadership style has area for opportunity too. A deliberate process is usually a slow process and you may run into a situation where you needed a quick decision within that moment. This can be a problem is participative style is normally slow. Diluted expertise can play a major role in weakness of participative leader if you have someone that has less experience then someone that has more experience. It can bring down the quality of the company. Conflict potential runs into play when you have too many opinions from teammates it creates a problem within in decision making (III, Small Business Powered by StudioD,

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