
The Signs And Symptoms Of Psychological Abuse

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Psychological abuse also known as emotional abuse is when someone affects the emotional and social aspect of someone’s life. It is a pattern of behaviors by caregivers that interferes with cognitive, emotional, psychological, and social development. In other words’ it is when someone does something intentionally to hurt the emotional aspects of another person.

What are the signs/symptoms of psychological abuse?
Unlike physical abuse, psychological abuse often goes on without being noticed. Psychological abuse can be seen in the forms of ignoring, rejecting, isolating, corrupting, verbally assaulting, terrorizing, and neglecting. Ignoring the child would include not being present to respond to a child and not calling the child by name. Rejection would consist denying the needs of a child and/or refusing to have physical contact such as holding the child. Isolating the child would be refusing to allow the child to socially interact with people and limiting the child’s ability to move around. Corrupting the child would be when someone teaches encourages/forces them to perform in illegal manners. Verbal abuse can include and is not limited to shaming, belittling, yelling, name calling, and threatening the child. Terrorizing would include the inferior adult to create fear within the child. Neglect is refusing to provide the basic needs for the child such as medical, physical, emotional, and educational. Children who face psychological abuse show signs of feeling unhappy,

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