
The Social Impact Of Industrialism In Britain

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Industrialism in Britain was fast growing and led to many issues on all corners of the Earth. In Britain, social structures were reshaped forever. Before industrialism, humans worked as predominantly farmers and skilled craftsmen, which quickly changed to large assembly lines and machines. The change left many workers in agriculture and skill based jobs out of work, and became very poor. These families were forced to move into the city and work in a factory in order to make little money. Leaving what they had behind, the families moved into the city in a process called urbanization to work up to 18 hours a day. Working such long amounts of time eventually led to unsanitary living conditions, and a higher infant mortality rate. However, the social impacts of industrialism weren’t all that terrible. Most people actually benefited in some way due to the higher profits being made, and eventually President Roosevelt put an end to child labor. Industrialism also had a great effect on politics. By this time, Britain had become a constitutional monarchy, but only six percent of men could vote. However, new factory owners wanted political power to meet with their economic power, which resulted in the Reform Bill of 1832. This lets up to twenty percent of men to vote. The fast paced industrialism not only impacted Europe, but other places as well. The quick industrialization across Europe led to an increase in goods produced as well as demands for raw materials like cotton. This

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