
The Statistical Data Set Taken From The 2012 General Social Survey

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There are many statistical data sets that I could have used for this research, however I chose to use the statistical data set taken from the 2012 General Social Survey (GSS2012.sav) because it was conducted among individuals living in the United States of America, whom of which are my units of analysis. The independent variable that I used for my research was respondent’s sex, which was labeled sex. For my dependent variable, I used respondent’s income, labeled rincom06. The control variables that I used were the race of respondents, labeled race_2, education after high school, labeled educ_4, and age, labeled age_5.
I chose to use the control variable of race in order to determine whether one’s race affected ones pay, and highlight the …show more content…

If I were to find a relationship between income and sex after the means comparison test, I would run a multivariate regression test in order to analyze my dependent variable with my independent and control variables.
For the purpose of the experiment, I must acknowledge that my hypothesis may be wrong. Therefor, my null hypothesis is that there is no relationship between sex and income, proving that the pay gap does not exist. My goal in my research is to reject my null hypothesis, and in turn accept my working hypothesis.

In order for a theory to be accepted, it must be tested. While one can rely upon the results of other researchers, it is important to conduct one’s own test in order to correctly receive results. Although I read that there is a relationship between sex and income, I wanted to test these variables for myself. In order to find an initial relationship I conducted a means comparison test between my independent variable, sex, and my dependent variable, respondent’s income. When I ran the means comparison test I found that the average income of males was 15.54, the equivalence of 15.54 with regards to income falls between the economic bracket of $25,000-$29,999 and $30,000-$34,999. The average income of females was 13.21, which fell between the economic bracket of $20,000-$22,499 and $22,500-$24,999. This information has the potential to show me that my hypothesis is correct because in this statistical test male respondents have

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