
The Stock For Under Armour

Better Essays

Despite Nike playing on the large stage of sport apparel and shoes, another company is rising to the occasion, Under Armour. With growing interest and production, Under Armour is taking the fast track to becoming a big rival to the other sports companies. This group has chosen to research and analyze the stock for Under Armour. Under Armour was chosen as this group’s investment because it had high PE ratio compared to the other companies researched. Research began on October 5th 2015, with a closing price of $101.86. This group invested $10,000 at $101.86 per share, which are approximately 98 shares. During the first week of research for Under Armour, October 5th- October 11th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average or DJIA was on a constant …show more content…

According the article “Health Care ends S&P 500 Streak,” energy shares help keep DJIA moving up in points but barely. Due to investors pushing health care stocks, particularly the biotechnology sector, taking profits from a year’s long rally as concerns rise over the scrutiny of prices during the presidential campaigns. The DJIA gained 13.76 points to $16790.19, while Under Armour gained .39 points. It’s likely the energy shares that helped DJIA also helped Under Armour, though no articles are contributed to Under Armour that day. On October 8th, the DJIA went up but not as significantly as the beginning of the week. According to the article “Health Care Shares Boost Market,” the health care shares lost then gained which helped the DJIA to gain as well. Previously in the year, legislation had investigated into the production and pricing of drugs which lowered expectations but eventually the stock went back up again. However, Under Armour wasn’t as lucky to follow the DJIA in gaining. It is possible the gain in health care stocks was not strong enough to affect Under Armour like it did DJIA. DJIA gained 122.1 pointed to $16912.29, while Under Armour lost 1.25 points. On October 9th, the DJIA and Under Armour both gained points. According to the article “Blue Chips Rise 3.7% for the week,” the DJIA’s performance has been the best since February as oil-price surge lifts the energy companies. Since the price of oil jumped 9% it has lifted the shares of exploration and

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