
The Stupidest Generation

Decent Essays

In this day and age you are always told that the actions of the millennials throughout our lifetime are going to have a very major and lasting impact on our planet. When at the same time people are calling our generation one of the stupidest generations yet. Within the past decade the world has changed very drastically and is a much different place than the past, because of this I do not think its fair to make negative assumptions about our generation based on past generations. Coming up I think the people who doubt the success of our generation should wait to see the impact we have until after its made. Of course the older generation would love for us to succeed because it would be a benefit to everyone yet they feel as if it is a lost cause.
The older generation …show more content…

These enormous communities of users can express their ideas in text, pictures, videos and even emojis.” Literally you can show the world anything you want with just a few taps on your phone. With this power more and more people are able to speak their minds and express their opinions than ever before. Social media also allows people to be updated on situations around the world as soon as it happens. All of this new technology plays a great roll in medical advancements. People are using 3D printers to produce anything from a cast for broken bones to a complex geometric figure that matches a patients unique anatomy.
This is a tough topic because there are both positives and negatives when it comes to advancements in technology. Yet I feel as if the positives outweigh the negatives by a lot. Our future is going to be heavily reliant on technology and how we use it beneficially. So it would be better to start teaching and getting people to understand how to use these advancements instead of letting them be negatives. Technology is going to advance inevitably, our generation will spear head our country into the futuristic

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