
The Surf

Decent Essays

The poem I will be analysing today is Song of the Surf by Dan Ashlin. Ashlin is a born and bred Australian poet who writes modern poems. I believe that I have a strong connection with this poem because of how much I personally love the beach with the soft sand and the ferocious waves. In my opinion this poem isn’t just about the waves in the ocean, but how the ocean has its own life and story to tell.
In this poem the poet uses many techniques to engage and hook the audience. Dan Ashlin expresses how the ocean has a life of its own through personification, an example is “it dreams, it mopes, it stretches”. I appreciate how the poet has used verbs in this technique as it positions me to feel like I can relate to human emotions, movements and …show more content…

Throughout the poem the tone and harmony is showing many different moods including shyness, anger and calmness. An example of shyness is at the start of the poem “softy, silently it swishes”, an example of anger is in the middle of the poem “it thumps, it sprays it rips at shores, its ozone spray”, and finally at the end of the poem calmness is shown, “it spends its strength, it sings, it sighs. The wave recedes”. One aspect of the poem I find intriguing is the alliteration and personification. For example, “it sighs, it sings, it seeks”.
In conclusion I was personally moved by this well-crafted poem because of the poetic techniques used and the setting. The setting was what particularly moved me because of how much I personally relate to the ocean. On my trips to Byron Bay and the Sunshine Coast I have seen waves that were both angry and calm. I have seen the waves smash against the rocks and the helpless swimmers get dragged out by the strong current. However I have never thought about the ocean in way the poet has exposed it. I believe that this poem has touched my heart like no other poem ever

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