
The Teaching Cycle and the Associated Responsibilities and Roles of the Teacher

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There are many articles and books that refer to the teaching cycle and the associated roles and responsibilities of the teacher, most articles refer to either a four or five stage cycle. In this assignment I will cover the five stage cycle and concentrate on my role and responsibilities as a teacher in the lifelong learning sector. Wilson 2009 states that the teacher cycle should be a structured process, so it is split into five sections placing the teacher roles and responsibility into various groups. The cycle can begin at any given point and is designed to show improvement. These five stages consist of, 1. Identifying needs 2. Planning learning and design 3. Delivery 4. Assessments 5. Evaluation Identifying needs In my role as a …show more content…

I should address any needs that have arisen at the previous stage. I then need to structure the course making sure that I stay within the boundaries of the syllabus if the course is accredited. If I am unsure then I can discuss this with my colleagues. I should also make sure that a risk assessment is carried out in the classroom following the guidelines of the health and safety act 1979. Delivery Once have identified the students needs and have planned and designed the course I can then deliver or facilitate the learning. I can use different styles and activities to keep the students interested. I can invite comments and discussions to enhance their learning. This could promote inclusion of the quietest of the students and also give me time to carefully observe and assess their learning . I may need ice breakers and energisers at times and also maintain any ground rules that may have been agreed at the beginning of the course by the students. I must conform to codes of practice at all times ensuring also that I promote respect, equality and diversity. I will also try to embed language, literacy, numeracy,and ict Assessment I need to monitor and assess the progress of each student by maintaining accurate record using a variety of assessment tools, gaining feedback, formative informative,formal and informal whilst also maintaining my organisations requirements. Evaluate It is important that I do a student evaluation and a self evaluation in order to see how well

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