
The, The Hungry Cowboy, By Karla A. Erickson Essay

Decent Essays

INTRODUCTION: Does the race/ethnicity of Saint Mary’s students affect the interactions to the Sodexo workers? This question was inspired through a book called, The Hungry Cowboy, by Karla A. Erickson, who participated in her own observations in a restaurant viewing the social interactions among the people in the restaurant. The idea of observing and participating in social observations involved more than just asking people questions or sending out a survey, it is actively being a part of the observation and interacting with others that are also being influenced by the social norms of the restaurant. Race/ethnicity at Saint Mary’s is an issue being ignored by many, but also being addressed in small ways which provokes an interesting concept in viewing interactions among the people who work for the students versus college students who may or may not take it for granted. In this case, Oliver Hall is Saint Mary’s College main place for students to eat and where the research question is implemented with participant observation and a survey sent out. Race/ethnicity of Saint Mary’s students is the independent variable, which will vary among students. Interactions with Sodexo workers will depend on the race/ethnicity of the student, because it is the dependent variable and the amount of interactions will vary from student to student. The findings expected after looking at the data collect, is that students considered a minority will have more and/or meaningful interactions with

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