
What Became A Radical Transformation Of The American Revolution

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From 1763 to 1789 the American Colonies underwent a radical transformation becoming an independent self-governing nation. The British debt accumulated from the French and Indian War brought colonists into conflict with the mother country over a variety of social, political and economic issues. This turmoil pushed the colonials to fight for their independence and develop a government that would counter these problems. With the introduction of the constitution, the American Revolution initiated a radical departure from the America prior to 1763 when it developed unto a revolutionary society.

At the end of the American Revolutionary War in 1789, the colonies were free from British rule and a new nation was born. The Articles of …show more content…

As time progressed, these atrocities made the Colonists question their authority. The Battles of Lexington and Concord were used to spur up resentment against the British and incite the revolution. (The Battles of Lexington and Concord)

Revolutionaries like Thomas Paine argued that colonies should break free from England. Paine argued that it was unnatural for an island to control an entire continent and compared it to a "satellite larger than its primary planet" or the Earth orbiting the Moon (Paine). Revolutionaries like this helped push the colonies to fight back and gain their independence. The newly freed colonies drafted the Articles of Confederation based on the political philosophy of republicanism. This was the idea that a government should be controlled by the people and not a monarchy or aristocracy with inherited powers. A large government would lead to tyranny but a weak one would lead to anarchy. The only way republicanism would work is if the people were willing to put the public interest above their own self interest. Even though history has shown a true republic to fail and was only successful on a small scale, Americans viewed themselves as special. Their government wouldn't crumble like the Romans because the American people were virtuous enough to defeat the British and support the

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