
The United States Department Of Homeland Security

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As communities and public safety agencies prepare their communities to deal with possible terrorism, community policing models are effectively drawn upon for a better enforcement of preparedness. Efforts by federal and state governments are mindful of the production for events of the 1960 's Civil Defense but as a result of 9/11, there has been more action for cities and towns to develop response plans for any type of local terrorist incidents. The safety of the public is most important and falls into the hands of government agencies. Community policing encourages community input and involvement.

The Priorities of Investigative Tactics of Law Enforcement The United States of America experienced one of the worst terrorist attacks in history whereby more than 3000 people lost their lives on September 11, 2001. In an effort to combat terrorism, President George W. Bush pushed for the enactment of the Homeland Security Act in 2002, which became effective on March 1, 2003. It involved reorganization of several United States’ government civil agencies, forming the United States Department of Homeland Security. The goal was not however to take care of terrorism but also included protection against other hazards, whether human-made or natural disasters ("9/11 Attacks - Facts & Summary -," n.d.). However, the reorganization has had an impact in the way criminal investigations are conducted, trammeling the liberties of Americans. Crime investigation is one

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