
The United States Should NOT Abolish The Death Penalty

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Life or Death As all of us know that the death penalty is not a good thing, but it is a great way of reform and preventing something happening more than once. All of the US states should not abolish the death penalty. According to statistics, they have proven that death penalties keep dangerous criminals from committing the same crimes over and over. Ten percent of those who are on death row already have a previous homicidal record. Murder rates have decreased ever since the death penalty was enforced. Advocates have also proven that the cost of keeping a murderer locked up for the rest of their lives becomes an economic burden on the state. Abolitionist have argued and argued that the death penalty does not deter murder. That is like saying, “Statistics show that older people have more dogs than younger people. Therefore, the older you get, the more dogs you will have.” Correlation does not imply causation (Capital). Having someone murder a leader in America and does not get put on death row is like a big slap to the face. For instance, the man who killed Martin Luther King, James Earl Ray, he was a shadow in his own life. His sister barely remembered him; he was average height, average weight, average build. Everything about him was average (Bethune). And yet, he wanted to be more. His words and actions were …show more content…

Pennsylvania was the first state to do that in the United States. But, Michigan was the first state to abolish the death penalty for all crimes except the crime of betraying one’s country like killing the supreme leader of the government. After that, Rhode Island and Wisconsin jumped on this bandwagon by abolishing the death penalty for all crimes. At the end, mostly everyone: Venezuela, Costa Rica, Portugal, the Netherlands, Brazil, and Ecuador jumped on as well. While everyone else was letting it go,

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