
The Video Game Industry and the Objectification and Stereotyping of Women

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How can an industry with widespread appeal to men and women continue to misrepresent and misgender women? Video games have been used as a platform for entertainment between the ages of 18 and 49. The entertainment factor of video games comes from the various forms of art, cultures, worlds, languages, and stories that come from each individual game. The male players of video games lead the market, causing the industry of video games to create games that would appeal to males, such as creating female characters that would attract them. Because of this, female video game players have become the minority in the video game industry. Although video game companies claim to target all types of video game players, women have become the victims of patriarchal sexism by being objectified and stereotyped as a way to increase sales. A fact that contributes to the objectification and stereotyping of women is that as of 2011, 56% of video game players are male, and the other 44% are female (“Essential Facts” 4). This discrepancy caused video game industries to create games that will sell to the majority-- the male players. However, the 44% of female players are still considered a large consumer group (Shanley 11). Despite the 12% discrepancy between male and female players, industries that have chosen to focus solely on their male consumers can be seen as patriarchal. This patriarchy has caused video game industries to create games that would appeal to male gamers only (“Gender

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