
Essay on Their Eyes Were Watching God

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Their Eyes Were Watching God In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie battles to find Individualism within herself. Janie, all her life, had been pushed around and told what to do and how to live her life. She searched and searched high and low to find a peace that makes her whole and makes her feel like a complete person. To make her feel like she is in fact an individual and that she’s not like everyone else around her. During the time of ‘Their Eyes’, the correct way to treat women was to show them who was in charge and who was inferior. Men were looked to as the superior being, the one who women were supposed to look up to and serve. Especially in the fact that Janie was an African American women during these oppressed …show more content…

This is exactly what Janie did in her marriage to Logan. She did as she was told, or rather, expected to do. Janie didn’t want to marry Logan, but if it made her grandmother happy, then by all means, why not give it a shot. If it meant that she’d be secure. In her marriage to Logan, she found out that that’s not what she wanted. Janie wanted love, happieness, comfort and enjoyment. She didn’t want her first marriage to be like a prison sentence. “Did marriage end the cosmic loneliness of the unmated, did it compel love like the sun the day?” This is asking if marriage made love for Janie as the sun makes the day for the world. Is the basis of love marriage...just as the basis for day is the sun. To Janie, this was not true. She did not feel as though she loved Logan, and that’s all she really wanted. She didn’t want to be treated as the rest of the world was treated. She wanted to be treated as an individual and not as a slave. She was a slave to marriage. She didn’t want to be there, where there was no warmth.

Joe Starks stole Janie away from Logan. He saved her from the boringness of their dull marriage. He woed her with his words of kindness. He promised her happieness. “De day you puts yo’ hand in mine, Ah wouldn’t let de sun go down on us single. You ain’t never knowed what it was to be treated lak a lady and Ah wants to be de one tuh show

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