
Theme Of Justice In The Crucible

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Superman once said, “There’s a right and a wrong in the universe and that distinction is not hard to make” (Superman, Kingdom Come). Justice, being pivotal in society often fails to meet its purpose. In an idealistic world, justice has been portrayed as a divine fairness, where the nefarious have been punished and the ethical live a moral life. Pragmatically speaking, justice has constantly been played into the hands of power, suborn and greed. Desperate times call for desperate measures, forcing vulnerable humans to drive to consequential lengths to meet their aspirations. The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller in 1953, comments on the biased view of justice in Salem and how the court models the role of justice as guilty until proved innocent, similar to the case of Giles Corey, which is barbaric. Abigail Williams, a vindictive 17-year-old niece of Reverend Parris, fancy’s her unrealistic future with John Proctor, a man of integrity. Her unconditional lust for Proctor causes her to perform demonic witchery in the woods, to venture (gain back) Proctors love. In need of rescue, Abigail deflects the incident in the woods and incriminates more than half of the town to Venkat 2 committing witchery and doesn’t give a single thought to the amount of pain and agony she has done to several innocent people. Her vengeance on Goody Proctor drives her to extreme lengths, being responsible for the faultless death. Afraid of being caught, Abigail throws the blame on Tituba “I never sold

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