
Theme Of Racism In The Movie Crash

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Racism, sexism, and power are unfortunately still extremely prevalent in today’s society. In the movie Crash, directed by Paul Higgins, these three themes were exemplified throughout the entire film. From class we know that race is a category that is organized around physical difference that are given social meaning. Sex refers to the biological differences between men and women. Lastly, power is the ability to control others behaviors, even over their objections and against their wishes. The film opens with a small car crash. A white woman hit an asian woman. The white woman was ridiculing the asian woman for not being about to say blinker correctly. The white woman was discriminating and ridiculing the woman she hit due to her race. The next scene takes place in a gun store. A Persian man was attempting to buy a gun from a white man. The white man refused to sell the gun to the Persian man because the store clerk believed the man was Arabic and a terrorist. The clerk called security on the man, when he started to argue. The Persian man brought his daughter with him, who spoke English well. The store clerk then discriminated against the daughter because she was a woman. She wanted to buy bullets for the gun and asked for whichever ones fit. Instead of the politely telling her which bullets fit, he hatefully rambled off multiple types. When she picked the type of bullet, his response was, “do you even know what those are?” The clerk believed because she was a woman, she know

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