
Therapeutic Leaders Role In Initiating Change

Decent Essays

A vital individual when it comes to initiating change is the person willing to take action in order to construct something different. A person willing to own the outcome and lead the change is the critical element in producing change. Without the leader of change stepping up and accepting responsibility, all others have is an awareness of the problems that exist, therefore, change doesn’t transpire. There are countless people who are constantly eager to share all of the items which they believe need to change, with anyone who will listen. There are far fewer who are willing to step up and lead that change. Teacher leaders have the vision to generate change in their schools, and are a vital asset to change. Catalytic leaders are needed throughout schools in order to make change happen. Leaders with an expertise in the area of change are authentic, initiative, and influential. People will not want to grow if they do not trust the person whom initiates the change. Therefore, change agents must be extremely authentic and reliable, in order for others to not be afraid to approach that …show more content…

Catalysts for change continue when situations become tough. They also, take advantage of opportunities which others may pass by. Initiative is shown when leaders recognize and act upon opportunities that their colleagues or leaders may have overlooked. Catalytic leaders are curious about their organization and how it works, they also have open minds regarding innovative ideas and possibilities. The best way a leader can affect colleagues is by taking the initiative to make changes to their lifestyle in order to become an example of the changes they wish to bring about. Catalysts for change establish an issue, and take initiative in order to change problems before them. Taking initiative when they see something which needs to be changed, no matter how small, is a fundamental trait within a catalyst for

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