
Thesis Statement For The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

Thesis Statement: Throughout the narrative, Scott Fitzgerald uses symbols such as the Valley of Ashes, the green light and the eyes of TJ Eckleburg to indicate how greed, materialism and the loss of moral values in society contributed to the unattainability and corruption of the American Dream. Paragraph 1: The Valley of Ashes. Topic Sentence: The Valley of Ashes symbolises the consequences and corruption of materialism in America. Supporting sentences: Its occupants represents those confined in their pursuit of the American Dream meanwhile the rich enjoy their wealth and success in East and West Egg. In reality, the valley of ashes is described as a grey, desolate and filthy motor road, lodged between West Egg and the rest of New York. It …show more content…

Supporting Sentences: The green light at the Buchanan’s dock symbolises Gatsby's American Dream, which is winning back Daisy’s love and in doing so that will complete his American Dream. Quote: “He stretched out his arms” (last page of chp 1). This is the scene where Gatsby looks across Daisy’s life in East Egg, an island that represents old money in America. The green light on Daisy’s dock symbolises how riches and social ranks have socially and morally corrupted the American Dream. Moreover, Fitzgerald description of Gatsby looking across the “dark water” a “minute and far away” makes the green light seem unachieveable and distant. This quote makes it evident to the reader that the green light symbolises the impossibility of the American Dream, and it being situated on Daisy’s dock symbolises the people who have morally corrupted it. Quote: Another quote that supports this interpretation of the green light is “Gatsby believed in the green light” (p …show more content…

The green colour represents Gatsby’s obsession over Daisy, who embodies his TAD as well as his devotion to love. He makes it his life goal to become prosperous and wealthy so he can impress Daisy’s expensive needs and in turn win or buy back her affection. All throughout the story, he gets involved with bootlegging, crime and extravagant parties hoping Daisy will take notice. Gatsby dream eventually comes to a halt when Daisy runs over and kills Myrtle with his car and Gatsby is left to take responsibility. The green colour of the light is replaced with corruption, as Fitzgerald compares it to “a fresh, green breast of the new world” ( pg

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