
Thesis Statement Of Narcissistic Thinking

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Statements that indicate narcissistic thinking
Narcissism occurs on a continuum, and everyone thinks narcissistically. The following are examples of some things that may be the result of narcissistic thinking, and can be either spoken or just thought. They may be generated consciously, or subconsciously. If consciously generated, the reason behind them can be found. If generated subconsciously, the reason will be illusive. Subconscious beliefs are responsible for producing the narcissitic idea, and the conscious mind agrees.
These statements by themselves, without associated connotation and context, are not concrete evidence of narcissism. When they are encountered, either in self or others, it can be helpful to think of them as red flags …show more content…

Do not feel comfortable being the center of attention - becuase it means increasing risk of exposure to criticisms.
Feel the urge to make others clean up the mess in their lives, but seem to be blind to the mess in their own.
They do not sit and listen.
Think they know what is best for others.
Generally do not seek affirmation from others, receiving it is uncomfortable.
Unable to trust or to depend on others.
Can appear to be self-effacing, inhibited, unassuming, modest, humble, indifferent to social success.
Do not encourage emotional sharing.
The more someone matters to them, the more they worry and experience anxiety over them.
They do not apologize or feel remorse.
They end friendships, relationships because "they just can't take all the drama in your life," or become bored with them.
Prefer relationships with those who are intellectually, socially, or financially inferior to them. Like Mentor-Student.
Think that the world would be a much better place if everyone would just do what they suggest
Have a selective memory or wil deny the truth, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Are very quick with an "I told you …show more content…

Feel entitled and consider anything that is below their standards to be personally offensive.
They clutch their pearls. Say "How dare you....." "Who do you think you are....." etc.
All their friends are work related and are talked up to seem much closer than they actually are.
Combative me vs you attitude with friends.
Lacks empathy. Cannot identify with other peoples emotions.
Offer practical solutions to problems aimed at not feeling, how not to be affected by it.
If someone disagrees, disproves their argument, or makes their opinion seem uneducated they respond with anger and personal attacks.
They ask you for inconvenient or demeaning favors. Make you their gopher.
Does not respond appropriately to large favors. They under respond; it is just assumed that you should everything in your power to help them.

Just a small list of the observable behaviors, but it should be sufficient to start seeing trends and patterns. These are very common attitudes. Attitudes are subconsciously generated and maintained. Increasing self awareness can help to track down specific sources and neutralize them, if

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