
This first article is written from an Asian feminist perspective. It was written by a group of

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This first article is written from an Asian feminist perspective. It was written by a group of women to show the side of the Exodus story from a woman’s perspective. The first scene introduces Jochebed- Moses’ mother. The first scene involves Moses’ mother, Jochebed, Miriam, Susannah, Hannah, Shiprah and Puah, although Shiprah and Puah enter into the scene later on, they are Hebrew woman who are slaves to the Egyptians. Jochebed is pregnant and has just learned of the Pharaoh’s decree to kill all male Hebrew newborns. Jochebed is frightened because she believes that she is pregnant with a boy. Susannah, another mother tries to console Jochebed, but Jochebed is very worried. Jochebed’s husband Aaron had dropped bricks on his feet the other …show more content…

The Princess agrees and sends Jochebed away with Moses.
In scene five, a soldier tells the Pharaoh what the Princess did. The Pharaoh was not happy and summoned the Princess to him. The princess tells the Pharaoh that by having a Hebrew boy as the prince worshipping their gods the Hebrew God will be insulted. The Pharaoh agrees to this and decides to permit it to happen. The Princess tells Leah of the Pharaoh’s change in heart, and there is no more killing of Hebrew baby boys. So, the Pharaoh can win over the minds of the Israelites if they are to raise a Hebrew prince in the palace under the rule of the Pharaoh. He then uplifts the decree. The final scene is the Princess excitedly telling Leah that the decree has been lifted.

The title of this article caught my attention. I might assume that the significance of the word “Asian” is that in Asian culture the value of women is degraded. However, that raises the question still of why the word “Asian” when the skit was written by a group of Indian women and a Korean? I believe that even in this day and age, every society does this a little bit as a collective group. Individually, we might differ in our beliefs but I find that in the Asian culture the value of women has been lesser than man simply due to traditional cultural practices and principles. I have a great appreciation for this article.
As an individual that has never knowingly partaken in racism or in the differentiation of genders,

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