
Till We Have Faces: The Definition Of Beauty

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Beauty. Something that we as humans, regardless of gender, base our self worth, and in many cases, how we value others. There are of course exceptions of this, and everyone has their own standards of beauty, but it has always been a big part of society, and continues to be important today. Beauty, however, isn’t some set standard. Yes, there is a lot of relation between the symmetry of the face and body and beauty, but there are many other factors that come into play. Some of the most famous people, (think Emma Watson, the Kardashians, Chris Hemsworth ect.) are the people that define what is considered beautiful. Similar to the time period of Till We Have Faces, we base a lot of what we consider beautiful on people we look up to. The difference is for people in Oruals universe, it was of course the gods while for us it’s more people who are highly relevant in the media.This being said, beauty is a defining feature …show more content…

Before Psyche, she is the pretty sister, we know shes pretty, even if it isn’t said outright because she is able to basically seduce guards and is good at it enough to cause her father concern. She gets along fine with her sister and even talks about her love of her. But after Psyche is born, her attitude completely changes and she begins to hate both of them, probably out of jealousy of Psyche and her extreme beauty and the attention she gets from it.
All of this can be related to today's beauty because we as a society base a lot of our worth on people off of beauty. Think of social media such as instagram, or dating apps like tinder, where a like swipe or follow is based on looks. People spend thousands of dollars a year to look pretty and people can easily get jealous of other people. Even though what we consider beautiful and they considered beautiful thousands of years ago may have changed, the pressure to meet those standards has

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