
Timber In Texas: A Case Study

Decent Essays

The history of Timber in Texas begins in the 1800’s. According to Maxwell (2010), there was evidence of sash mills being used before the Texas Revolution to produce lumber. The use of the first steam sawmill in Texas was supposed to be released by John Richardson Harris in 1829, but he unfortunately died before he could come out with this project. His brothers carried out his will and created the sawmill, which led to more than 200 sawmills operating along the Gulf Coast. Timber started to become a huge part of texas economy. Because communities were starting to be constructed lumber was in high demand. Maxwell’s (2010) study found that “The 1860 census reported… about 1,200 employees, which manufactured lumber valued at $1.75 million annually” (p.1). This shows how much of an impact timber actually had. This commodity was one of the founding utilities that Texas used to jumpstart its economy. The use of Timber started to become more than just a domestic use. The railroads became a major part of the timber use. This era of prosperity for timber became known as the the “bonanza era” and it continued into the 20th century (Brown, 2014, p. 13). This was one of the biggest moments in the lumber industry. Everything was going great for this business, until the 1920’s when it started to decline. …show more content…

Logging companies began to practice clear-cutting and they had “depleted the availability of timber in many parts of East Texas” (Brown, 2014, p. 13). Many acres in Texas began to disappear because of the need of Timber. This problem led to the decline of this industry's earlier prosperity. Another contender for natural resources did not help the industry in any way. “Hundreds of thousands of acres of woodlands had also been cleared for exploration following the discovery of oil in this region” (Brown, 2014, p. 13). This venture for oil only lead to more destruction of the once prosperous forest

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