
To Kill A Mockingbird Essay On Social Injustice

Decent Essays

Harper Lee is a strong minded woman who shows how she feels on social justice through Atticus Finch in her book To Kill A Mockingbird. She shows how you should stand up for what you believe in no matter what. Atticus stands up for Tom Robinson because of how he feels about the case rather than his skin color unlike most of every other white person. Harper Lee reveals some of the truths through Atticus examined in the Novel. In Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, the author shows her beliefs of Social Injustice as it pertains in inequality of races. She does this through Atticus Finch’s words and actions in response to the conflicts in the text.

Harper Lee Presents the idea that determinedness is demonstrated by actually working hard and believing they can do it, even though it's against everybody else. Atticus shows how he is different than everybody because Cecil said “Do all lawyers defend n-negroes Atticus” (Lee 99). Everybody doesn't believe the same as you do , would be the theme of this quote. Atticus is determined to change history and help Tom be free. Harper Lee uses Atticus to tell how she felt about society in that time many ways.

In To Kill A Mockingbird Harper Lee shows the idea that Atticus is being genuine because he’s really passionate about this case. …show more content…

In Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird the author draws a vivid picture of the character Atticus Finch as he responds to conflict. Atticus responds to conflict in many ways. Being genuine, empathetic and determinedness is not even half of the ways he shows it. Harper shows major factors through Atticus on her opinion about society. She revelas some of her ideas about social justice through Atticus. Her being like Scout shows how she felt about her father not just “old and boring” (Lee 8), but a great role model. Atticus feels that there needed to be a change in social justice and he made that change to the best of his

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