
Tobacco Use Tobacco

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Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of death throughout the United States and many other countries. For American Indian/Alaskan Native people, recreation cigarette smoking is the number one leading cause of death among these communities. For generations, tobacco has had a strong spiritual and sacred meaning to the Native American people even before the plant became recreationally used. Tobacco is believed to make individuals and families strong and free and live a long-healthy life. Traditional tobacco is also believed to be a symbol for peace and healing (Hodge and Struthers 2016, 209). For many years, tobacco has been used in important ceremonies, as a bush medicine, and for the burial of the deceased. During these times, traditional tobacco was not used recreationally by the members of the Native communities, but recently commercial tobacco has made its way into these Native American Communities (Barnoskie et. al 2006). Compared to youth of other ethnic backgrounds, Native American youth use tobacco and drugs at a significantly higher rate (Cole et. al 2000). The media has a huge influence on tobacco use among the public, and large tobacco companies rely on the media to help sell their product. Adolescents especially can be easily influenced by the media and advertising, which is a key subject to keep in mind when helping individuals stop smoking. Using drugs and tobacco at an early age often results in a lifelong addiction, which is a contributing factor to why

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