
Toy Story Research Paper

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In 1995, an iconic movie produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures called Toy Story was release and make a huge impact on the artistic design of film making. Toy Story is based in a world were toys pretend to be lifeless when humans are present. The plot of the movie however is about how, an old fashion toy named, Woody and, an action figure named, Buzz compete for attention and affection from their owner Andy. However, though out the movie these two toys adapt and become friends who work together to find their way back to their owner Andy before he leaves with a moving truck. (wiki) This child’s movie won many awards such as Special Achievement Academy Award, PGA Special Award of Merit, and Annie Award for Best Individual …show more content…

We can see the style though the directors personally that is expressed though the language and concept behind the movie. (Art) John Lasseter created a movie using an idea that had not been adapted yet. Furthermore, prior to Mr. Lasseter computer animated movie many early animated movies were design with a flip-book in mind. (Movie) This means that the animators would have to draw each scene and fame by hand to use in the movie. Additionally, this would make animated movies very time consuming and labor intensive that would spike the cost of production of movies. (movie) Early animated movies had a large animation staff for the movies along with a high budge however the movie Toy Story only required 3/4 of the budge and it only required 1/8 of the animation staff to design and produce. (movie) In addition, to this movie being low cost director John Lasseter created the first team production through Pixar and Disney. Mr. Lasseter created this team through his earlier carrier when he was an animator at Disney. (wiki) During this time, Mr. Lasseter made his first attempted to produce a fully computer animated movie however he was shot down as well as fired from Disney. From here Mr. Lasseter went to work for Pixar and created short films to show off computer animation. After Mr. Lasseter’s short story Tin Toy was produced Disney became interested in Mr. Lasseter

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