
Essay On History Of Media

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History of Media Assignment Submitted by: Nina George, Aashik.V.Ajith New media has emerged from the print media. But its target audience is different from that of print media. Today, we have young readers getting attracted towards new media. This is because they feel that they really don’t need to waste their time reading when they …show more content…

So in such a scenario, is it just the print media that is dying? Is it not TV and radio too? Although, it is the print media which seems endangered, it is a fact that the success of any media tells upon another media. It is only a tug of war going among these, where the centre gets oscillated between the ends. Each has been devising ways to deal with the plus points of the other. TV is getting interactive, radio is getting gripping, newspapers and books are trying to get more attractive with the incorporation of visuals and graphics and interactivity to some extent, and all of them together are going online. Adaptability is crucial for existence. The bottom-line is if the print media continues to adapt to the changing media habits of people and corner its target readers well, it will survive. And it ought to do that for its good. Somehow, there is a feeling that even if it fails in that, the power of the written word will always be supreme. So while traditional media’s old channels – print and broadcast – are floundering, their online properties are thriving. In fact, I’d argue that the influence of traditional media outlets like theNew York Times and CNN are greater than ever. The internet and social networking sites have given traditional media outlets an audience beyond their once limited geographies. For example, take the Boston Globe.

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