
Trying To Find Chinatown And Story Of My Body: Ethnic Identity

Decent Essays

Ethnic Identity
Ethnic identity is when an individual views themselves belonging to a specific ethnic group. It is a very complex concept because it can have different interpretations to certain groups. Some ethnic groups believe you must be their race to belong to their group and to others you just need to be acquainted with their heritage and history. In Trying to Find Chinatown and Story of My Body, ethnic identity is displayed in several ways and is a major theme across both stories.
In Trying to Find Chinatown the main characters are Ronnie, an assimilated Asian American and Benjamin, a Caucasian Asian American. The two characters get into an argument when Benjamin states the reason he took Asian-American studies was because he wanted to explore his roots because he was adopted by Asian parents. This angers Ronnie because he thinks you must be asian to belong to their ethnic group. Both then go on arguing why the other is right about identity and both walk away not having learned a thing. …show more content…

Ronnie thinks that you need to be the race to belong to the ethnic group by stating “You can’t just wake up and say Gee, I feel black today.” (Hwang). Benjamin then comes back by saying “Well, you can’t just judge my race by my genetic heritage alone.” (Hwang). This argument is what really drives the ethnical identity theme because without it, there would be no story. Another reason ethnic identity is important to the story is because of the end. In the end it states “...The two remain oblivious of one another.” (Hwang). This means that both failed to understand each other's points and that ethnical identity is very complex

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