
Twitter In John Dickerson's 'Don' T Fear Twitter?

Decent Essays

Communicating graphical messages among humans has had many forms over the centuries, from cave painting, clay tables, art, manuscripts, books and newspapers to name a few. Now in the information age humans have continued to evolve to convey messages using the internet via blogging, social networks and internet articles. From tweets, Facebook post, and emoji’s, humans continue to develop and adopt shorter ways to communicate and express their thoughts with each other. Consequently, now in the 21st century social platforms are also changing the landscape of journalism, challenging news outlets to transform their ways and making news reports available quickly. Journalist are held to a higher standard and are expected to diligence when reporting the news, they are expected to deliver reliable, responsible journalism, but in this ever changing fast pace world is Twitter the best mechanism for responsible journalist, especially when they only have 140 characters to inform the reader with the latest news? The essay “Don’t Fear Twitter” by John Dickerson appeared in the 2008 issue of Nieman Reports. Accordingly it is in this essay that Dickerson first provides a description of what Twitter is and what he thinks about it. It is important to note that at the time of this essay Twitter was only two years old. According to the website Twitter is the creation of a group of programmers that worked for the Odeo Company in San Francisco, California. Moreover it was

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