
Tyranny Dbq

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Does the Constitution protect against Tyranny?
After the American Revolution colonist faced the dilemma of an .
When delegates met in 1787 they aimed to create a new constitution for a stronger central government. The delegates deemed the older Articles of Confederation weak because there was no court system and government didn't have enough power to tax the states. The delegates decided to draft a new governing document because they needed a stronger central government.The previous governmental charter, the Articles of Confederation, failed because did not guard against tyranny and had a weak stronger government..Anti-federalists and Federalists pushed for a government that was strong enough to hold the states and the people without letting …show more content…

In document B and C, separation of powers of the three branches, legislative, judicial, and executive, ensures that not one power is greater than the other. However, as a form of checks and balances, the branches should not be separated to the point of having no constitutional control over each other. Madison stated "Liberty requires that the three great departments of power should be separate and distinct." (Federalist paper #51) but “..they may be a check on the other” (Federalist paper #51) meaning that the three branches have separate powers, but are able to have constitutional control on each other. For example, Legislative branch can approve the presidential nomination, override a president’s veto, and impeach the president from the executive branch while the senate confirms the president's nominations for the judges and remove them from the office from the judicial branch”. While,the executive branch can veto the congressional legislation from the legislative branch and nominate judges for the judicial branch. The judicial branch can declare presidential acts unconstitutional in the executive branch and declare laws unconstitutional to the legislative branch. (Document C). Framer guarded against tyranny through separation of powers but still being able to check on each other and having constitutional control on each other. The branches should be separate and distinct as if they were together, it would be given too much absolute power to one group. Checks and balances illustrates how the constitution guarded against tyranny because the three branches have fair opportunity to stop the other branches from committing an unconstitutional act. Additionally to how checks and balances the constitution from tyranny, “The Great Compromise” does the

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