
Uncontrolled Pain In Postoperative Care

Decent Essays

Uncontrolled pain can have a major impact on a patient’s quality of life and the ability to obtain successful operative outcome. (Crisp et. al 2012) The importance of pain management in postoperative care is emphasised in this essay, to provide the understanding that effective postoperative care includes providing the patients with maximum comfort, satisfaction and encourage the healing process for early discharge from hospital. Inadequate pain control in postoperative care can also enable the patient to feel hopelessness, develop depression and other effects that can lead to detrimental consequences. (Human Rights Watch 2009) Therefore, the effects of uncontrolled pain is also discussed in this essay, to highlight the significance of appropriate …show more content…

Postoperative pain for Josie can cause increased temperature, high blood pressure, increased respiratory rate, hypokalemia, fatigue, reduce mobility and the depression of the immune response which can effect the quality of life, leading to poor wound healing and the risks of infection. (Holt …show more content…

The nurse may determine the appropriate plan of action for managing Josie’s pain by using pharmaceutical methods which can be ordering analgesics such as morphine, tramadol and paracetamol. Due to Josie’s pain rated as 6 out of 10 in the pain scale which depicts the pain as severe, nurses will need to administer morphine as morphine is fast acting which is effective within 1-2 minutes with IV and it is used for moderate to severe pain. (Tiziani 2013) A psychologist can also be invited for the review of Josie’s mental health as this can decrease the perceptions and neurological causes of pain. The psychologist may also help Josie decrease stress levels from surgery that may contribute to pain. Non pharmacological methods such as music can be used for managing Josie’s pain and lessen any feelings of anxiety. Music serves as a distraction from pain reducing stress levels. According to Engwall & Sorenson Dupplis (2009) different types of music can make an impact on the depth of breathing, blood pressure and heart rate. (Engwall & Sorenson Dupplis

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