
Understand Health And Safety In Social

Good Essays

Understand health and safety in social care settings.

1.1 legislation relating to general health and safety in a social care setting would be
Health and safety at work act,
Manual handling operations regulations,
Control of substances hazardous to health regulations
Health and safety first aid regulations,
Management of health and safety at work regulations.

1.2 The main points of the policies and procedures are to ensure everyone follows the same guidelines, is safe and to minimise the chance of accidents.
1.3 The main health and safety responsibilities of

The social care worker –
- To participate in health and safety training.
-To report any potential and actual hazards and risks to the employer.
-Be responsible for their …show more content…

-gloves and hair nets should also be worn in a kitchen and before any contact with food.
-plasters must be worn over any cuts.

5.1 The legislation that relates to moving and handling is …
-The manual handling operations regulations 1992.
-Provision and use of work equipment regulations 1998
-lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations 1992

5.2 principles for safe moving and handling
-ensuring there are enough staff available to lift or handle someone safetly.
-to ensure the appropriate equipment is available and used correctly.
-to ensure a pain free and dignified transfer.
5.3 & 6.1 moving and handling tasks must only be carried out following training because of the risk of injury to the client or the staff if equipment is not used correctly or the procedures followed.
6.2 you must always follow an individuals care plan and engage with them with assisting with mobility to ensure they are as relaxed as possible, not frightend. You must tell them step by step what is happeneing or going to happen. All equipment must be used as directed by care plan to ensure the client is safe and as pain free as possible whilst moving them, use of the correct equipment will also prevent any further injuries to the client and also to the staff doing the move.

7.1 hazardous substances that may be found in the social care setting would include..

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